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9. Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) Core Research Grant (PI at AIIMS, the fund is also allocated to AIIMS, New Delhi): “Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of mechanism-based novel theranostic agents for Alzheimer’s disease” (2023-2026)

10. ICMR Extramural (Ad-hoc) Research Grant (PI at AIIMS, the fund is also allocated to AIIMS, New Delhi): “Development of exosome-based drug delivery system for naturally inspired novel multifunctional neuroprotective molecules and their biological evaluation in Alzheimer’s disease models” (2023-2026).

11. ICMR Extramural (Ad-hoc) Research Grant (PI at AIIMS, the fund is also allocated to AIIMS, New Delhi): “A case-control study to develop “Exosomes based Molecular Signature” of Parkinson Disease” (2023-2026)   

12. AIIMS Early Career Intramural Research Grant: “Exploring the potential of exosomal miRNA as novel biomarker targets of Parkinson’s disease” (2023-2025) .


India Science and Research Fellowship (ISRF) – International Fellowship for SAARC Countries for 6 months (Dec 2021 – June 2022): “Critical aggregation concentration for the formation of amyloid beta oligomers and nutraceuticals inhibition of its fibers” in collaboration with Research Centre for Applied Science and Technology (RECAST), Tribhuvan University, Nepal.


DHR Extramural (Grant-in-Aid) Research Grant: “Mechanistic understanding of Parkinson’s disease and developing an early screening method” (2021-2024) 


ICMR Extramural (Ad-hoc) Research Grant: “Development of a non-invasive novel method for early detection of cognitive impairment” (2021-2024).


DHR – Young Scientist: "Cross-talk between exosomes and autophagy in Alzheimer’s disease” (2021-2024) 


AIIMS Intramural Research Grant: “Understanding the role of neuronal salivary exosomes in Parkinson’s Disease” (2020-2022) 


ICMR Extramural (Ad-hoc) Research Grant in collaboration with  IIT BHU: “Development of Novel near Infrared Fluorescence Imaging Probes for Detecting Amyloid Beta Species in Eyes of Alzheimer’s Disease” (2019-2023) 


ICMR – Research Associateship: “Cross-talk between autophagy, aging and inhibitors of apoptosis proteins (IAPs) in adult neurogenesis” (2019-2021).


AIIMS Intramural Research Grant: “Characterization of fibroblasts to understand the possible role in breast cancer progression by FTIR imaging” (2017-2020).



Vaibhav Sharma, Saroj Kumar, Fredrik Nikolajeff. “Study shows less studied areas of Parkinson´s disease” at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden in June, 2022.


Saroj Kumar, Fredrik Nikolajeff : "First meeting for Medical Technology", Researchers and teachers from Sweden, Germany and India met for the first time at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden in Aug 2021.


Saroj Kumar, Fredrik Nikolajeff : Early diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. IVA's (Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences) 100 list 2020: From knowledge to sustainable competitiveness.


Saroj Kumar: Tracking Breast cancer before it grows: Developing early detection and treatment options for cancer.


R. Lahlali, Y. Jiang, S. Kumar, C. Karunakaran, X. Liu, R. A. Bueckert: Scientists discover the cause of heat tolerance in peas.


Saroj Kumar: Research team identifies new markers involved in cancer progression.


8 ways researchers fight cancer using the CLS (Candian Light Source)


Scientists work toward new canola varieties as clubroot spreads across the prairies.

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Dr. Saroj Kumar
Additional Professor, Department of Biophysics 
#3011, 3rd Floor, Teaching Block
All India Institute of Medical Sciences 
New Delhi - 110029

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